What Are The Effects Of Forest Destruction?

What Are The Ill-Effects Of Forest Destruction?

Our forests have been mainly destroyed by either illegal logging or converting them for other land uses. At a blinding rate they are being spoiled, there will come a  time when the future generations might not be able to reap benefits from those resources.

ill-effects of forest destruction

Given the blessings this nature's gift can pour into the human race, what kind of world is in store for us if the destruction is not brought to a halt. In this post, let me share the ill-effects of deforestation.
  1. Shortage of timber for construction - While building a modern house nowadays can be done with fewer woods needed, most house owners still prefer to use timber instead probably because of its greater availability and lower cost. If deforestation continues, we don't only loss our forest, which is our main problem, but we also let prices of timber to skyrocket.
  2. Scarcity of non-timber products - Forests are also home to a myriad species of plants which are raw materials for a number of products. Some of them are bamboo and rattan which can be made into a variety of home furnishings. Like shortage of timber, scant supply of non-timber raw materials can result in soaring of products made from them.
  3. Degradation of the environment - We consider forests as lungs of the earth because trees take carbon dioxide and replace it with oxygen. If forests are razed to the ground, so is our environment in general. We will experience ecological imbalance right there and then. The wildlife, our climate and more are adversely changed until our forests turn back to normal.
  4. Flooding in non-flood prone areas - Forests influence water cycle, mountain precipitation, and efficient conservation of water resources. So, places that are flooded easily come heavy rains are likely to have denuded forests nearby or at the very least the number of trees around are no longer enough slow down the flow of water from the mountains to low-lying areas.
  5. Siltation in rivers and lakes - Siltation or siltification is the process by which a body of water becomes dirty because of sand, clay, and other fine particles that drift from a higher ground. If sediment pollution continues unabated for a longer period of time, it will adversely affect fishing industries, resort businesses, and even our sources of energy particularly hydroelectric dams.
  6. Destruction of flora and fauna - Millions upon millions of species of plants and animals thrive in forests. So, round the clock destruction of forests around the world also means the same fate for all life forms living in there. And the worst of all, it may bring about the extinction of some of them which the generations to come are only able to see them in still or moving pictures.
So, now we know how critical our forests are in our lives that it is utterly difficult to live in a world without them.

As a matter of fact, many ancient civilizations and empires have fallen because of forest destruction. The ruins of which are the only the living proof that they did flourish at a certain time in the past.

If deforestation continues till we've got no more trees to cut down, chances are modern humans and their society are bound to follow suit.

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